Tips to Help Your Club Attract Eligible Live Your Dream Awards Applicants
9 Outreach Ideas for Award Application Season
It’s back to school season and it just so happens to coincide with the Live Your Dream Awards application season! The application portal is open from August 1 to November 15, enabling clubs around the federation to collect applications from amazing women in their community who are prioritizing their education to uplift themselves and their families. Below are some tips to help your club obtain applications!
Publicize Availability of the Award
Have applications and information available during club projects where appropriate, such as health screenings, computer centers, or during mentoring activities. Consult the full Live Your Dream Awards toolkit for a complete list of suggested organizations to contact about distributing applications, hanging posters, sharing link to online application on their social media pages, and assisting your club in reaching eligible women.
Work with Previous Award Recipients
Many previous Live Your Dream Awards recipients have expressed a desire to promote the award by speaking to other local organizations, at schools, community centers, and health centers. Additionally, they are interested in connecting with the media about their experience and holding workshops for applicants. Inviting previous recipients to enthusiastically promote the Live Your Dream Awards can bolster recruitment.
Work with Local Schools
Many community colleges, universities, and vocational/trade schools offer financial aid workshops that include information about local scholarships and awards. Contact the financial aid offices of nearby institutions to ask if the Live Your Dream Awards can be included. Also, many colleges and universities have women’s centers to assist women throughout their education. Contact these centers for assistance in finding eligible women. Offer to email the application and ask that they forward it to eligible women.
Make a Personal Contact
Clubs have reported they have the most success receiving completed applications when they have a personal contact at the organizations where they are recruiting. Do not just email, mail, or drop off applications and expect to receive a response. Talk to someone within the organizations and explain the benefits of the program. To assist with these efforts, please refer to the sample recruiting letter of introduction to a local community organization.
Assist Women with their Applications
The women targeted by this award are usually going to school, raising children, and working. They may be very busy and need reminders about deadlines. Furthermore, they may find the application intimidating. This could be the first time they are applying for an award. We also hear that women do not feel they are worthy of the award. Helping applicants understand the award process can dispel this thinking.
Consider holding a workshop to discuss the application process and have club members available to offer one-on-one assistance. Conducting a Soroptimist Live Your Dream Awards application workshop is an excellent way for your club to identify eligible women in your community and provide them with the support they need to complete the application process. To assist clubs in conducting an application workshop, check out Soroptimist Live Your Dream Awards: Achieving Success Through Application Workshops.
Expand the Search to Surrounding Areas
If you live in a particularly small area and are having difficulty finding applicants, expand your search to surrounding communities that do not have Soroptimist clubs. Contacting organizations, distributing applications, and receiving completed applications can all be handled by email, mail, or telephone.
Work with Other Local Soroptimist Clubs
Some Soroptimist clubs share their completed applications as a way to honor as many eligible women as possible. Each club gives an award to a different woman. Your region chair can help facilitate this.
Get Help Obtaining Eligible Applications
If your club has not received any eligible applications, contact SIA headquarters to ask for complete and eligible applications that can be forwarded to your club (U.S. and Canada only).
Consult Soroptimist Forward Digital Toolkit
Check out the Soroptimist Forward resources for information about how to continue expanding your program reach while working differently and virtually.