Stars Aligned: A Volunteer Story
After hearing about Soroptimist for some time and wondering what a “Soroptimist” even was, fate had Peggy run into Soroptimist member Paula Austin at another community service group meeting. After connecting and attending a meet and greet for Soroptimist International of Cumberland County, NJ (SICC) (North Atlantic Region), Paula “became a member of what I feel is one of the most life changing decisions that I have made. Paula Austin became more than just my mentor, her and I have a very dear friendship, one that I treasure, and it began because of Soroptimist.”
Peggy has held several positions in her club throughout the 17 years she has been having fun as a member. These include serving as the president, vice president, and chair of several committees. One of her proudest memories while serving is the establishment of their SICC Peace and Tranquility Garden in remembrance of domestic violence victims and survivors.
As Peggy attended district meetings, conferences, and both SIA and SI conventions, her leadership in the organization flourished. She served as district II secretary, director, and governor-elect, and served as governor from 2018-2020 for the North Atlantic Region. Her growth as a leader was supported by friends Paula and Tammy Klotchbach, who guided her and led by example.
“My belief in the mission and the purpose of Soroptimist has given me enthusiasm about helping women and girls that no other organization possibly could have!”
In 2016, Peggy became a Laurel Society member to help further support the Dream Programs that are making a difference in the lives of many women and girls. She is currently at diplomat recognition level and is hoping to earn the ambassador pin this time next year. Peggy also serves on the Dream Big Campaign committee.
“I have made sincere and true friendships. What an experience to meet women with the same passion from my region, women from all over the United States, and I would have never dreamed that I would meet women from all over the world that help women and girls in so many ways!”
Peggy believes in the power of raising awareness and getting involved in public affairs. Soroptimist can be a voice for so many who are treated inhumanely. As a mother and grandmother, Peggy knows she is a role model for them and shares her compassion, empathy, and dedication to helping others with her children and grandchildren.
Now that Peggy knows what a Soroptimist is and does, she loves it! After 17 years, she is still learning every day. Her wish for Soroptimist’s future is growth and expansion to reach the next generations. The stars aligned for Peggy, and now she is instrumental in making dreams come true for the women and girls wishing on those same stars.
Peggy is continuing to elevate her leadership skills by attending SIA’s Leadership Round Table and Leadership Fellows Programs! She believes that “Leaders need to change as the world around us changes.” She is excited to learn more about SIA procedures and be a resource for upcoming leaders with her experience in several Soroptimist leadership positions.