Two Clubs Share Big Goal Accelerator Projects

SIA has a Big Goal to reach by 2031: investing in the dreams of half a million women and girls through access to education. We will achieve this goal through our Dream Programs, the Live Your Dream Awards and Dream It, Be It, but also through Big Goal Accelerator Projects. These projects are local club work that support our Big Goal and provide women and girls with access to education through Soroptimist-driven projects that will eventually lead to economic empowerment. Read on for some exciting real club examples!

SI/Rosario (Philippines Region)

SI/Rosario (Philippines Region) has provided educational training to over 130 women and girls through Project BABAE. The acronym stands for Bigger Aspirations and Bolder Attempts towards Empowerment. The project targets women and girls, and provides training in many skills, including tree-planting, business, backyard gardening, and scholarships. Women who applied to the Live Your Dream Awards but were not chosen were given alternative scholarships and encouraged to pursue further education. Additionally, the club partners with the Philippine National Police Women's Desk to provide lectures about women's rights. The local media has shared about the programs, allowing the club to recruit more members!

SI/Bidwell Rancho-Chico, CA (Sierra Nevada Region)

Another club delivering a Big Goal Accelerator Project with incredible impact on the local level is SI/Bidwell Rancho-Chico, CA (Sierra Nevada Region). The club provided educational scholarships to three young women who needed financial help with their education—two came from a local foster care agency and were navigating life outside of the system and without much support. These young women both received support for their undergraduate degrees. The other recipient is currently enrolled in law school as a single mother facing financial hardship, and her goal upon graduation is to help youth in the foster care system and people escaping abusive situations. The club gave $3,000 to support the education of these very motivated women.

Both SI/ Rosario and SI/Bidwell Rancho-Chico are contributing through their local Soroptimist service to our Big Goal of investing in the dreams of half a million women and girls through access to education!

See If Your Club Project Serves as a Big Goal Accelerator Project

  • To see if your club project is eligible to be considered a Big Goal Accelerator Project, consult our What Counts handout.

  • To report your club’s Big Goal Accelerator Project to SIA, complete our online reporting form.

  • To familiarize yourself with the questions in advance, consult our report example.

All Big Goal Accelerator Project resources are available in all languages.



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