Miracles and Magic: A Special Thank You from Award Recipients
Step into the holiday season and discover the magic of dreams fulfilled as we share heartfelt messages of thanks from incredible women from across the globe who have found new hope thanks to Soroptimist members and the Live Your Dream Awards!
PRoAction Newsletter- November 2023
The PRoAction Newsletter is a monthly branding kit with tools and action opportunities to boost awareness of SIA initiatives with consistent and unified messages!
Thank You from 2023-2024 SIA President Bobbi
Watch a special message below from President Bobbi thanking supporters for their contributions to the Dream Big Campaign!
PRoAction Newsletter- October
The PRoAction Newsletter is a monthly branding kit with tools and action opportunities to boost awareness of SIA initiatives with consistent and unified messages!
3 Reasons to Be a Soroptimist
In a world where empowerment and equality are so important, organizations that champion these ideals hold a special place. One such organization that has been making waves for over a century is Soroptimist. Read more to find out reasons why you should become a Soroptimist!
PRoAction Newsletter- August
The PRoAction Newsletter is a monthly branding kit with tools and action opportunities to boost awareness of SIA initiatives with consistent and unified messages!
Clubs Are Benefitting From the Dream Big Campaign
Dream Big Campaign funds have already been put to work in meaningful ways for several clubs! However, there is much more to do to close the gap and fund the future of Soroptimist. Check out how those clubs made an impact and help us close the gap by August 31!
Invest in the Future of Soroptimist
Check out a message from Diane Thompson, Dream Big Campaign Committee Chair!
PRoAction Newsletter-July
The PRoAction Newsletter is a monthly branding kit with tools and action opportunities to boost awareness of SIA initiatives with consistent and unified messages!
100 Years of Service: SI/New York City, NY (North Atlantic Region)
Congratulations to SI/New York City, NY (North Atlantic Region), who celebrated the 100th anniversary of its chartering on June 27, 1923!
Why I believe in the Big Goal and Dream Big Campaign
Hear from Director of Donor Relations Erica Cheslock on why she believes in the Big Goal and Dream Big Campaign!
PRoAction Newsletter- June
The PRoAction Newsletter is a monthly branding kit with tools and action opportunities to boost awareness of SIA initiatives with consistent and unified messages!