Live Your Dream Awards Open for Applications August 1
It’s August 1 and Soroptimists know what that means.
That’s right! The Live Your Dream: Education & Training Awards for Women® is now open for applications! And this year’s application season marks the 50th anniversary of this life-transforming program. Isn’t that exciting?
Since 1972, Soroptimists have distributed more than $39 million in education grants through the Live Your Dream Awards and helped over 39,000 women make a better life for themselves and their families. By empowering women to change their lives, the award has paved the way for new generations of independent, educated, and financially secure women and families, who in turn give back to their communities and countries.
August 1 through November 15 marks the annual award application period, in which eligible women may apply for the award by submitting their application to a club near them (or by applying through the online application portal if located in the U.S. or Canada).
What Should Members Do?
1. Spread the word. Every member can help their club recruit applicants. SIA happily offers tools to help you publicize the award in your local community, including ideas for reaching out to local organizations who may know eligible women. Here is the link for women who want to learn more about applying: Apply for the Live Your Dream Awards
2. Familiarize yourself with the program toolkit. Check out the full Live Your Dream Awards Club Resources on our website, which includes the application, recruiting and publicity tools, how to select and honor recipients, reporting instructions, and useful tips.
Find the tools in your language:
日本語 • 한국어 • Português • Español • 中文(繁)
3. Let us help. SIA staff are delighted to help you find the resources you need or to answer questions about the program. Just email us at or give our office a call at +1-215-893-9000.
4. Celebrate! We’ve shared 10 Ways to Celebrate 50 Years of the Live Your Dream Awards to help inspire your celebrations during this special occasion.
We look forward to another successful and life-changing cycle of the Live Your Dream Awards. Deep gratitude to our amazing members and to everyone who supports this program—thank you for investing in the power of women’s dreams year after year!