New Live Your Dream Awards Video

The year 2022 marks the 50th anniversary of the Live Your Dream Awards! For half a century, this amazing program has empowered thousands of women and their families through access to education. Watch a special video commemorating this awesome milestone.  

More About the Awards

Soroptimist contributes more than $2.8 million to over 1,800 women through the Live Your Dream Awards each year. Over half of our recipients are survivors of domestic violence, trafficking or sexual assault. Nearly all have overcome enormous obstacles including poverty, teen pregnancy, and drug or alcohol addiction. Live Your Dream Awards recipients may use the cash award to offset any costs associated with their efforts to attain higher education, such as books, childcare, tuition and transportation.

How to Apply

The Live Your Dream Awards offers three levels of cash awards. Eligible applicants can submit their application August 1 - November 15. Ultimately, a Live Your Dream Awards finalist has the potential receive up to $16,000 to help offset tuition costs, purchase books, get transportation, or find reliable childcare so she can worry less about how to pay her bills and focus on reaching her dreams.

Help Us Reach Half a Million Women and Girls

As we look forward to our next 50 years, the Dream Big Campaign will help Soroptimist expand the Live Your Dream Awards and transform the lives of even more deserving women who face obstacles to their education. Give today to invest in the dreams of half a million women and girls by 2031.

Your generosity will support the expansion, delivery, and sustainability of Soroptimist's global Dream Programs. With your help, big dreams will come true for women and girls who will go on to make a difference in their communities and the world!




Convention Highlights


Live Your Dream Awards Open for Applications August 1