Your Top Questions Answered: Joining the Laurel Society

Since 1994, Soroptimist has relied on the inspiring generosity of our Laurel Society members, who have contributed a combined 20 million dollars to help women through the Live Your Dream Awards and other Soroptimist programs.

“Our Laurel Society members are committed to financially supporting our mission and forward growth," says Kymberlie Adams, Chief Marketing and Development Officer at SIA. "Becoming a donor at this level creates a global impact that is very much needed at this critical time."

There is no question that we are still living through a time of global crises and that women and girls need ongoing support in order to thrive. Laurel Society members provide critical funds for our Dream Programs and help catapult us towards our Big Goal of helping half a million women and girls by 2031.

Giving to the Laurel Society is my way to ensure that the important work of Soroptimist impacts women and girls more broadly. While my monthly donation isn’t large, I know that when more of us donate, our total donations will make a meaningful impact on our programs and on women and girls who need our support.
— Margaret Gilbey, Eastern Canada Region

Have you thought about joining the Laurel Society, but aren’t quite sure what that would entail? Here are some of the top questions we receive from members to help you out!

What is the Laurel Society? How do I join?

The Laurel Society is SIA’s prestigious recognition program for donors who contribute gifts totaling $1,000 or more.  

To reach the first level of the Laurel Society, Attaché, your cumulative giving needs to reach $1,000. One of the best ways to get started is as a Soroptimist Stargazer. A monthly gift of just $84 would allow you to reach Attache’ in one year.

A Laurel Society member is considered ‘active’ once they’ve reached Attaché level and give $500 or more over the course of two years (biennium).

Levels of Recognition Contribution Stone Color
Inner Circle$25,000Sapphire
Inner Circle$50,000Ruby
Inner Circle$75,000Diamond
Inner Circle$100,000Pearl

Do gifts I made to the Dream Big Campaign count towards Laurel Society? What other kinds of gifts count?

Yes! All individual gifts to Soroptimist count towards your Laurel Society recognition, including gifts for annual programs or donations previously made during the Dream Big Campaign. Sometimes donors decide to make a gift in honor of another member—for their birthday or as a thank you—gifting them Laurel Society credit. Clubs and regions also have the option to do this as well!

If your workplace participates in Matched Gifts, this is another way to build your Laurel Society credit.

What are the benefits of being in the Laurel Society?

Becoming a member of the Laurel Society has a number of benefits. First and foremost, you know that you are supporting our global Dream Programs and making an impact on the lives of women and girls! Additionally, Laurel Society members receive a beautiful recognition pin, along with other perks such as receiving an invitation to the biennial Laurel Society event!

Okay, I’ve joined the Laurel Society, what now?

You are now a part of a dedicated group of members who sustain and grow our programs! We encourage you to continue supporting the Dream Programs at a level that suits your personal circumstances. Your gift may encourage someone else to become a member and will build a culture of philanthropy within our organization.

Remember that giving $500 or more each biennium qualifies you to receive your special invitation to the Laurel Society event! The 49th Biennial Convention in Incheon, South Korea will be a wonderful time of connection and fun.

I have more questions, who do I contact?

Your Region Fundraising Chair is a great resource for all things Laurel Society. They can help to answer questions you may have about joining and ways to begin donating. The SIA Fund Development staff is always available to help as well.  Feel free to reach out to or call 215-893-9000.




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